We The People of California have spoken and thank God for the Internet!

In an overwhelming twist it is clear there is a push back in mainstream Republican circles against the "good ole boys club" of the GOP.

This weekend there was a gathering of the minds of the GOP for what is called the CAGOP Convention. The sentiments of regular Republicans were clear all day Saturday, from what I saw online and what I have heard from those in attendance, that is until Sunday -- when the good ole boys from the GOP took the platform.

Soooo Disappointing.


Even after we pushed many districts RED with fury at what democrats have been doing. EVEN after electing Donald J. Trump as President of the United States... THEY STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND what EXACTLY this means or EXACTLY why this has happened.

Really, they -- the GOP-- don't realize EXACTLY HOW this has happened.

Me and you and many others in the Republican Party want a hard line stance on issues. Tax Reform, Health Care Reform. De-Regulation. Border & Immigration issues and enforcement. Less government and increased competition, just to name a few.

Lets talk a bit about this for a moment. I have been forthright about pushing all candidates, even Donald Trump through the primaries-- though my guy was Ted Cruz. Yes, he was my pick for the PRIMARY. Still yet, I wore my "All American" hat through the election period. Igniting many conversations, even still!

Follow me on a tangent for a moment...

My hat, what exactly is it? It is a Trump hat, with "Make America Great Again" on it. I ordered my hat when there was slander against now President Trump for selling NON Made In The USA hats, but hats made in China. My All American hat was to show from a regular American consumer and girl that Donald J Trump  was legit in the quality and origin of his product and promise.

My hat is adorned with many buttons and pins, including a Ted Cruz pin which a friend and patriot had made just for me. Also on the hat are some other notable pins which support law enforcement and other agencies, groups, and clubs which have been given to me over time. In short, after Cruz lost the primary we moved on to support the Natural GOP Candidate of choice. The process and outcome was excellent.

WE HAD A WINNER!! And still do with Donald J. Trump. His product of being President is proving itself even as I type... and I like what we are seeing.

There is NO, absolutely NO hesitation where PDJT is concerned. He is set to do great things WITH OUR HELP.

This in mind, the GOP in California need to see the message loud and clear -- THEIR  guy will not win because the foot the big money. With the internet and individual campaign donation mechanism we can Make California Great Again -- one direct donation at a time. We want change in California, we need to make this happen ourselves.

Sure the GOP is a great group run on the ground in local groups by grass roots and regular folks who have great intentions. Those at the top are still using back dated tactics to keep California heading in the wrong direction. Republicans must get on board, on the same page and push to get the outcomes they want. If the guys at the top of the GOP don't see what we want, we still do and we have to run with it. Don't be fooled, I believe they can see what people want but it won't feed their coffers, its not profitable for them -- or they would act.

Even little ole me knows what most Republicans in California want, let me know if I am off base, but here it goes:
    -- Reduced size AND scope of government
    -- Reduction regulations forcing companies and jobs out of CA
    -- Out with the Green Scam & Climate Scam based regulations
    -- Encourage regulation reforms that spur competition
    -- End Gas Tax and other Taxes which are driving up costs
    -- End Sanctuary State Status
    -- End DL, Education, other services for those now eligible under Jerry Brown's "laws"
    -- Oust Progressive Democrats in the Legislature through local districts

The list goes on and on... Is it too hard to understand?

I don't believe it is, but there is much money to be made on the round and round goes the merry go round election cycle circus. This is where I believe reality is for that top "good ole boys" group. Power, influence, and money or business.

My hope is through local and regional groups we can directly make an impact on elections and shift Sacramento.

I have attached tonight's 20 minute clip for you which has with it in the comment sections the organizations and folks that really need our help.

You and I both know from seeing the movement around PDJT and the 2016 Elections anything is possible if we put our weight behind it.... So lets do this. Lets take California back from big interests and give the power back to the people, one race, one candidate at a time.
