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For Release

Open Letter to the Editor of the New York Times:

My name is Erin Cruz. I am a mother, a young widow, and I am an American.

I would like to share with you some concern and dismay about a story I read on your Opinion page today.

Now, given the liberal leaning of your paper I often expect to see opinions which are not in line with my own and I welcome ideas and thought outside my political sphere.

Understanding others' perspectives helps us as people to relate to the world around us.

Given the hype of the Emmys and below low ratings, it also shouldn’t come as any surprise that your New York Times Opinion page would boast some mark of Emmy news and controversy. I was, however, deeply disturbed by the heavily distorted and blatant racial slant of the lead article, from an American perspective. The title read: Like Issa Rae, I’m Also ‘Rooting for Everybody Black.’

The aforementioned article written by Taryn Finley doesn’t stop at supporting a highly racial statement by a known racial activist pushing an agenda which was prodding close to hate speech and clearly is causing division. The article by Taryn Finley goes on to double down against those not of the “black” agenda or what I would call “mindset.” Taryn’s article says, "Expressing black pride is not the same as being racist toward whites.” Can we, as Americans, stop right here? Where is the equality? If what Taryn says is correct, if what Issa Rae stated was purely pride, that would be one thing, but given the tone, Issa Rae was calling for those who are black to be given awards not for their merit, not for their talents, not for their work and genius, she was “rooting for” and essentially calling for preferential winning for those who are “black” because they are "black." Taryn Finley is right there, all out racist with Issa Rae.

In the case of arguing that this is still not a hate filled barrage of a story, I challenge you and your team to put it to the test. If indeed there is nothing wrong with racial pride, what is all of the fuss about “whites” taking pride in their own race? Really, if a “white” person wrote the same things your paper published today, rolls reversed—it would be called out as racism, fascism, or some inflated sense of hate which never would be published by the New York Times. What happened to true equality, minus any basis of race, gender, origin, sexual orientation, disability, and so on?

As a woman, as a widow with a multicultural, multi-racial family I am appalled. As an American woman I am deeply disappointed with the New York Times. We are in 2017, living in a space of time where so many are struggling. Racial tensions are high and the narrative is negative, yet we see, and facts show, positive equality movement at levels unheard of just sixty years ago. It is high time we as Americans unify bringing together ideas, actual and substantial information which can inspire, grow and nurture the minds and hearts of our people. The New York Times is supposed to be one of those voices leading the way.

I am sure that many more Americans than not are just as appalled and fed up as I am with reporting, with the hate put blatantly on the pages of large institutions such as yours— in the name of agenda for preference groups. It is time you really take a look at “freedom of the press” and what that means for all groups, for all people, for all Americans, and where the lines of equality fall. The New York Times is on a slippery slope of racism and hate, clearly pushing against Americans for equality. Please review your standards because like the Emmy ratings and those of other large conglomerates you will continue to see your ratings and viewership fall as well. America deserves so much more. I, we, as Americans, implore you, do the right thing— for freedom and equality sake.

In Freedom,
Erin Cruz

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