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In what many laud as a strong move to solidify Israel's right to Jerusalem, President Trump has declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

It is reported also that the US Embassy will be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem just as soon as arrangements are made, location, and building plans are moved forward.

This isn't what we want to discuss in this post, however.

People need to be real careful about how they view the Presidents comments today. What President Trump did was an act of bravery on highest order, one which will be celebrated for years. There are those who neglect to see what he really stated today.

One, there was no push for one state solution and no push for a two state solution. Media is making this into a shuffle for it's next Trump Smear Campaign. Watch for this. Trump said, ā€œWe are not taking a position on any final status issues including the specific boundaries of the Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem or the resolution of contested borders.ā€

His wording was solid. His approach was in our opinion based on Israel's right to exist and the region to determine its own fate, through appropriate measures and talks.

Two, the President also was careful to leave such decisions up to the President of Israel and let peace talks continue to sort out, saying, ā€œIsrael is a sovereign nation with the right like any other sovereign nation to determine its own capital,ā€ ... ā€œAcknowledging this is a fact is a necessary condition for achieving peace.ā€

Again, be warned this is yet another big media push of hot topics and that is what we want to discuss.
Lets get to the real issue we want to address in this article. LEAKS and INFLAMMATION as well as misdirection and focus of News Media Outlets.

Our concern is where we saw several news outlets acknowledging there are further leaks from the White House. In one article, which we pointed out on twitter today, there was not only mention of leaks of this highly sensitive information, there reportedly appears to have been a desire to have that information cause unrest in the region-- and it did.


This begs the question. Is anyone looking into supposed and reported continued leaks from the White House or have we lost the attention span for this sort of undermining of the United States and its national and global initiatives? Definitive and disastrous, and potentially traitorous leaking has been going on since well beyond the Transition of Presidency back in January 2017. There are spies among us and in the White House. This is still on the radar, right? Naturally it is on our goverment's radar-- but what about News Media Outlets. They were so worried about this previously and yet now it is not in the snow globe of hot topics to make wide spread and mass headlines?

We will go one further. Has anyone looked at the investigation into the Vegas Massacre recently? One of the worst tragedies on United States soil to date, reportedly connected to ISIS or other more dastardly root s-- just vanishes into the thin air of forgotten media inflating in the name of gun grabs? It is one week into December and the most recent report we see today is from November 21, 2017 asking this very question! What did happen with the investigation? Does media care to report on it further or are they out for the next headline?
We don't want to make this about media bashing, quite frankly though, there is a strong pattern to suggest there is quite a serial need to create more news rather than provide the function of reporting on the news to aid in community involvement for solution.

What is the function of News outlets? Freedom of the press and the right to public information isn't there for entertainment and manipulation of politics. People are impacted both financially and physically as a result of News Media Reporting, leaking and such. Freedom of the press is meant to secure the information needed to provide for the people stability, accountability, the ability for regular people to engage in community actions and guard the republic. Freedom of the press is to hold government and communities accountable by information reporting and awareness. Freedom of the press was not designed to push everyday reporting into a mid day menopausal soap opera of a talk show.

So there we have it. Stay aware of the major news, what is being said, why, for what purpose. Stay aware of alternate agendas pushing the direction of news topics and stories. There is quite the web being woven all around our Administration. It is up to us to be vigilant about what we share, how we share, and the importance of remaining objective.

From our perspective, there is no doubt in our minds this push to leak the Jerusalem story, the push to twist the Israel/Palestinian topic of President Trump supporting only Israel's right to exist, as well as the push to bait and say President Trump is supportive of the two state option-- it is there not to bring information or find solutions, it is there to inflame.

Stay level headed. Watch. Wait. Watch some more. The proof is always in the pudding, and yes, time always tells.
