
As the open hearings this morning with ex-FBI Director Comey come to an end this morning there are a few points that are worth mentioning here.

There is something I would like to point out. Something that I believe is so integral to the entire Comey hearing this morning that I think media and even investigators will be avoiding it.

Did you notice the Old Time Senator toward the end? I loved listening in to him speak. Sure, he stuttered. Sure he fumbled, but I think it was because more that he was nervous to upset a table here in a room full of lions.

This old time senator was basically saying, HEY...Why is Secretary Clinton off the HOOK! How did she get off so quick with all of what she had going on with the server, with her hacking of emails, mishandling of classified documents, and all that? He went on, basically saying to Comey, yet you are digging in on President Trump and not closed on this investigation with his Administration? Why is she off the hook... Why is she not here?

What was he getting at? He was getting at WHY the FBI was looking into President Trump rather that LOOKING at the DNC and Hillary folks, as a whole the Russian investigation would include both sides of the coin. Why isn't Hillary's team being investigated and what do they know about Russia, the hacking and the full picture into the election? If this is about the Election at all? Why is it isolated to the TRUMP ADMIN!!

Folks, we must press this point. The media, the MSM, the Press and Everyone completely will let this go because they want Trump's head... This is not about Russians or Classified documents, leaks... because if it were, Comey would be headed to jail admitting he gave FBI memos to a private person to release to the media.


It seems that if you have enough money and position you can not only get away with handing out FBI Memos you can have illegal servers, too.

It is clear now more than ever that there are corrupt politicians, there are also corrupt government employees. President Trump is right in going after and gutting his ranks, as I had recommended months back. He is especially correct in finding out who is loyal, loyal to the nation, loyal to the positions they hold, loyal to the people they serve.

What Comey has shown today is that he is loyal to self preservation, he is loyal to the Clintons. He was super careful in his approach to responding to questions. Even as an ex-prosecutor he didn't want to answer specifically about felonies, saying, "I don't know." He knew, he just didn't want to be on the record about it. If you are unfamiliar with his heavy legal background, read up. This is the guy who took down Martha Stuart.

It should also be mentioned that Comey involvement with the Clinton's goes way back to Whitewater. Yes, Whitewater. Read up on that doozy. Clinton's walked on that one, too.

As it stands we really need to proceed with caution surrounding the media hype on this story. They are after one thing: Donald Trump.

Our objective should be the following:
  • Highlight all areas of Comey interactions with the Clintons
  • Point out Comey release of FBI Memos to Second Party with intent to leak to press, under oath
  • Why Comey neglected to investigate Clinton involvement in DNC Russia Hack
  • Destroyed documents relating to the investigation, Comey, Trump, and Clintons
  • Press for more info on person Comey Leaked to and where the documents are now
    • Comey never said if he hand delivered them, emailed them, or mailed them
    • Comey said he wasn't sure where the documents were now
    • Comey said he didn't know if the person still had the documents
    • Comey said he wasn't sure how imoportant the conversation was with Trump so made memo to hold for later. He said integrity of FBI information was important, why leak then? 
  •  Press why Comey didn't go to Lynch with Trump communication if it was so important.
  • Any other points that expose the truth of Clinton, Comey, Lynch, Obama Administration ties.
Folks, this is a weak attempt to take down Trump. Instead of hitting on important points, getting to the real issues, the real ties to Russia with the Clintons, we have a system of people in who want to see the take down of a current sitting President because of talks during transition, because of alleged involvement with Russia doing their spying and hacking of our elections.

This is a coupe in form of a anti-Russia stance of folks that have been feeding off of Russia/US relations for some time. It is insane, really.

Stay alert. Stay aware. Keep pressing for REAL NEWS.
