Humanity, Protecting The Few For The Whole - Part One

D68, XDR-TB, Scabies, Ebola ... Do you recognize any of these terms? Perhaps the last two are familiar? Look them up. If you are reading this you more than likely are using the internet and can educate yourself. I do not want you taking my word for what these terms are or how they affect each one of us.

Now before I continue, I would like to be clear < heh, yes -- I love saying that! I do not profess to be an expert, or even educated in the medical field. My knowledge is elementary at best on the matters of disease. Where I do have knowledge is facilities management, health and safety in research based laboratory settings, policy analysis, interpretation, ensuring guidelines are followed, disciplinary action, and resolution. No, it does not stop there and that is a simplified description. Let me move on.

In recent weeks the world has experienced an onslaught of fear about viruses spreading around the globe. It is no new news that Ebola has hit the front pages of nearly every news website and political blog, especially since it organically reached the United States through airline travel--and law breaker. This is where MY issue starts with what we are seeing around the globe.

Two words: Personal Responsibility.

We have a duty to be productive citizens. This starts at ground zero, begin with looking in the mirror. We look after ourselves, our families, our neighbors, communities, states, countries, and so on. Within these entities we have boundaries or borders, each one set out to ensure the other is secure. I am reminded of the instructions on the airlines where they tell you to secure your mask first, then help those around you. In other words, you do no one else any good if you are dead. 

One word: Border.

In recent years in the U.S. we have seen an exponential increase in border crossing by illegals, not just from neighboring countries. This is disturbing. The Obama Administration is encouraging  those in other countries to risk their lives to either get treatment for deadly illnesses, or allow for opportunity of a better quality of life. What he is not telling anyone is the impact to our economy from the burden on our Social, Medical, and Educational system being bled dry. The economic burden on the taxpayers at the current rate is overwhelming, and these funds are not even scratching the surface of our current expenditures. With that thought, I will pause here to reflect on Obama's "not one dime" comment. If you have not checked we are nearing 18 TRILLION in national debt.

Back to the border. We are in 2014, structured and orderly society is good. Borders provide organization, facilitation, orderly process within individual communities, cities, counties, states, countries, etc. In turn, they provide safety as well.  What we have now are people so desperate they are willing to risk everything to come to the U.S. for the reasons above. When doing so they throw out all the logic of starting within their personal border, community, city, county, state, country to build themselves up so they can have what we do. THIS is a GLOBAL REACHING #FAIL. What these people do not realize is they are actually shooting their countrymen in the head. By risking our system for their own personal gain they are not part of the problem, they are the problem. We can not continue to aid other countries, and support those that come here and burden our system, not if we want to continue our good works around the globe.

One more word: Humanity.

I have read so much online about the sob stories, compassion, human rights, and so on. It is important to also recognize that there are systems set in place to help REAL refugees. Apparently there is not enough education to third world country persons who are in the tough place of being in a legitimate refugee situation. This is where the governments we are sending AID to are failing their citizens. The citizens of third world countries or un/derdeveloped countries need to rise up and demand change. It is not our responsibility for them not taking the initiative to hold their governments to the wall. The citizens of other nations need to change their own communities, build, or in many cases rebuild. The gangs, corruption, destruction is saddening, but we can not fix the world, communities need to unite and fight back.

There is no easy solution.
In short, the people ILLEGALLY crossing our borders, lying, cheating, to accomplish personal gain at the expense of someone else, ie: TAX PAYERS, are not participating in their own country and can not be trusted to participate in ours. Period. The humane thing to do is treat them, and send them back. UNFORTUNATELY, this sends the wrong message. Unfortunately we have Obama who is preaching to the world FREE FREE FREE. When, not if, the power shifts in 2016 my hope is that there will be a true leader who will reprimand governments that we send aid to, encourage process, encourage education for the benefit of humanity, and deport the illegals who came, did not show for hearings and send a message with them: We are taking action to rebuild the integrity of our nation. Do not mistake our kindness for weakness, rebuild your own damn country.
