2012 And The Race For RIGHT Begins: WAKE UP AMERICA!

It is a wonder that I live in the state that I do. Good old Cali-for-ni-a! You may not be aware but even California plagued with the slop of liberal, left wing spenders has its share of conservatives. Her only problem is there are not more of us. With the financial woes hanging above our heads here in California and across our nation and not to mention the world it amazes me that more folks don't wake up and smell the coffee. Here is a thought, change the approach to choice of leadership. What a doozie that would be. 


After several days, tons of articles, a few conversations with fellow conservatives, I have noticed one thing in common yet again: We Will NOT Settle For Status Quo! The bottom line, no more John McCains! 


As 2012 quickly approaches and the Establishment with all its misdirected glory is already setting its sights on potential Presidential Candidates, and yes, yes, yes, STILL has its pathetic rose colored glasses on.  After everything in the 2010 elections they don't see the BIG picture. Or they do and really don't give a darn. Wether they like it or not the truth is: We The People are in charge. Scary as it is, in their dream land as they peer across the nation in a foul attempt to take our koolaid temperature they see names such as Huckabee, Romney, Jeb Bush, Gingrich, and I wonder, WHY? They are the ones drinking the Koolaid, that is why.


The American people have been taken to the cleaners for TWO years with the Obama Administration. Look for yourself at the simplest of things. If you dare, now don't brake your computer as you do this, but look at such handy work as Rangle and his work with the Committee on Ways and Means (1975-Present). After only taking a few minutes to look at his CV, his credentials, you will be in awe that such an intelligent man could be found guilty of ethical charges brought against him late in 2010. But as ALL of the Obama Administration have appeared to show, an oops here and there, and an I am so sorry approach may just get you a get out of jail or penalty with out fee or charge these days. Or it may even GET YOU A JOB.


This is no way to run this Powerhouse of a Nation. A Nation where Dreams are made Reality.    


I recall Michelle Obama making it clear that she is finally able to be Proud to be an American. Well I was never ASHAMED to be ONE. Still, with this Administration, I am not Ashamed. I am STILL Proud to be an American! I know that those who currently are in power are As UN-American as they come. They are Tearing at the Liberty Tree, pulling her roots up and hoping to topple her. Well, I say NO! I say when we start to vet our options for leadership in 2012 that we will be UNITED, We Will Stand Against ALL who would like to see this Nation fall. No exceptions!


We The People want Backbone. We The People want A Leader Who Will Stand With US. We want a leader who will fight, who wont allow a crooked congress any longer. A leader who does not promise change, but delivers it, without ceasing. Who will unseat the corrupt, the crooked, and the cheats. Who will not waiver in their pursuit of RESTORING this Glorious Nation.

