Associated Press Photo

More winning for freedom some are saying across the country as the Trump Administration is encouraging more transparency as well as deregulation within different organizations nation wide.

As Trump heads out of the transition period and his first 100 days there has been a great deal of ruckus going on in the media and with citizens around the country. Please make best efforts to try to push back the noise and see what is really going on.

There are great things happening that even naysayers are admitting are substantial.

One major change which we saw this week was over at the Federal Communications Commission or as many know it as, the FCC. With new leadership on multiple levels through government we heard many words and promises. Words can be cheap when they are from politicians and media these day, it seems. We weren't sure if any substantial changes would be made or how quickly they would be enacted and implemented-- especially given the state of affairs right now. As it relates to the FCC, change could be good or bad, depending on the fine print. What we saw though was encouraging.

Obama during his two terms in office fought an uphill battle with democrats, indies, and republicans over heightened control of media and news  censorship. While touting that he was for freedom and transparency, Obama turned around only to enact a massive power grab by government and the FCC through a policy many coined as Net Neutrality.

Even the name, Net Neutrality is extremely misleading. From the name, definition wise, one would think this form of policy would encourage freedom and fair usage and reforms encouraging positive "change" that Obama promised. On the contrary, through Obama's hard fight to get this language put through, we saw massive action across party lines in favor of the people's right to less government intrusion, not more regulations and control.

Unfortunately, Obama got his way and the policy was implemented. Over a period of time, even with more regulations and control there were no substantial beneficial changes to consumers. Are you shocked? We are not. It is understood that the FCC has taken action to move toward reversing the policy, something that freedom fighters nation wide are applauding.

During his first meeting, today, Chairman Pai of the FCC was firm that he would work toward repealing the disastrous policies of the Obama Administration, that had forced the hand of the FCC. We applaud Chairman Pai and Commissioner O’Reilly for taking action to protect American consumers, and recognizing government's true role in the lives of citizens in this great republic.

There are always those who call for silencing of the opposition. At the opening of the meeting there were protestors that were holding signs that read, “Ban Drudge” and “Ban Breitbart” claiming they push “hate speech,” also saying that they should be disbanded immediately.

All freedom to protest aside, Free Press is an intricate part of our society. A day with less government intrusion is a better day for all. If only DC would understand the process of less is more where government and information and communication intersect.

Please contact your representatives and let them know where you stand on the issues. It is imperative that we all make our voices heard, express our needs as a people in a proper and functional way to those who represent us and our interests in government. You can not complain about the problem if you are not willing to be part of the solution.

In freedom.
