Terrorist Attack in Orlando Sparks Brutal Backlash at Anti-IslamProponents

As the whole Orlando Terrorist Attack plot and roll out gets exposed, social media explodes with a brutal backlash at those who are against Islam. 

Strange, right. 

After the 9/11/2001 terrorist attack we saw a coming together of the minds and hearts of Americans. A unity. Resolve. The bastards who did this would pay, WE DON'T NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS. 

There is something fundamentally different about then and now, his name is Barack Hussein Obama. 

Just hours after the Orlando Islamic slaughter of 50 people, in what is said to be a gay night club, by an Islamic terrorist -- we have witnessed the most deplorable and outright traitorous response by a sitting United Stares President--in my humble opinion. 

Not only did Barack Hussein Obama take the PR opportunity laying down flowers, he also couldn't pass up a right-left jab at American Citizens, their gun rights, and their disdain for heeding his prior warnings to remain pro-Islam--I mean trying to be tolerant of Islam. 

How could we dare be so callus.

A light bulb went off today when I realized that McCarthy was right yet again. See, McCarthy wanted to gut out the communists. Expose them. Extract them. There was a polarization--those who wanted it--and those who just we're lazy and complacent. Those in power who got their way ruined him, shut his files for 50 years. What we have now is a nation full of those communists compounded with interest, the communist agenda of spread the wealth feeding on Islamic desire to help them in that cause. 

That cause is clear: Destroy America like a frog in warm water, bring slowly to a boil.

Translated: The single largest way to accomplish this is to bring down AMERICA ... from within.

Shorter: Divide & Conquer

Wake up America. Get involved locally. Start conversations with friends. Discuss the issues. Listen. More people are concerned than you might think. Speak the truth. Unify. Your actions matter. 

Here is to the Alt-Right... 
