BenghaziGate: The Hillary Ties To Obama and The Lies That Connect Them


New Political Game Show:

Name That Scandal

Only they aren't scandals at all. Every move made by the Administration is calculated, reevaluated, revisited, adjusted, then acted on...Repeat. It is all a part of the fundamental transformation and disinformation used to accomplish the great TRANSFORMATION to communism. 

If Nixon would have been even remotely connected to any of the [in]actions that the treasonous Barack Hussein Obama has, namely...

Gulf Oil Spill: NINE days of gushing and gushing with no statement

Hurricane Sandy: people freezing and starving on the streets while federal programs made food donors cease food handouts and jumped ship after Obama got his photo-op

Fast and Furious: gun trafficking & cartel connections .. Resulting in Border patrol death

Benghazi: our own embassy abandoned and our Ambassador [supposedly sodomized], beaten, and dragged through the streets

And now the latest... 

BostonGate: Administration was warned and yet didn't act, FBI even had their chance, yet Americans died slaughtered by Islamic Terrorists in OUR Republic... OUR REPUBLIC!!!!

Nixon would have been on trial, locked up, with resignation denied. The anti war left would have pushed to possibly put him on trial for treason on some counts, and don't forget death by gunshot if found guilty... and don't forget... again, the leftie proggie media would have been shouting for joy. Period.

The photo of Billary below about sums up the hypocrisy or if your a realist... BLATANT LIES of those currently running OUR nation.... We have serious problems folks, and it is time for some serious solutions.

If you can't spot the lies in the paper or on your internet news source it is clear you are not paying attention
